The March of Hypocrisy, Trump and Jerusalem
No political question arouses more bigotry, ignorance, double standards and hypocrisy than that of Jerusalem. If we needed any reminder of it, then the reactions to President Trump’s announcement about the city being Israel’s capital, provides us with a dramatic expose of volumes of all the above. It is almost impossible for me to decide on the most outrageous of all reactions, as there are so many of those, but after a serious dig and an extensive use of my memory, I managed to select the one reaction which stands out. It was very so difficult for me, because the competition was really tough. But here is the winner.
Her name is Federica Mogherini, and she is the EU Commissioner of Foreign Affairs, surely someone who should know, someone who should weigh her words carefully, someone with the highest level of sensitivity. That said, the distinguished lady announced, that the Trump decision about Jerusalem brings us back to ‘’dark days’’. I have no clue which‘’dark days’’ she refers to, but I know as a Jew and Zionist what ‘’dark days’’ really means to the vast majority of my people. Here is a little history lesson forthe distinguished Commissioner. It starts only 3,000 years ago, when Jerusalem became the Capital of the Jewish state established by King David. These were not ‘’dark days’’, but the destruction of the Jewish Temple in the year 70 A.D by the Roman Empire, the enslavement of my people, the forced deportation from our homeland, the stealing of the treasures of the Temple[where are they hidden in Rome, a city Ms. Mogherini knows very well ?] , these are ‘’dark days’’. The crusades were ‘’dark days’’, when many Jews were slaughtered in Jerusalem, and before in Germany and France as the Crusaders marched to the ports of departure to the Holy Land, the historic homeland of the Jews. The Black Plague of Europe were ‘’dark days’’ to my people who were blamed for the disaster, and then the Spanish Catholic Inquisition, who in the name of the Church, burned alive and slaughtered in all kinds of other ways, so many of my people. ‘’Dark days’’ were in Germany, when Martin Luther, the rebel against the Catholic Church, preached to his followers to “burn the Jewish schools and synagogues’’ . He said, and Hitler did in the Holocaust of the Second World War. I can go on and on and on with what ‘’dark days’’ mean really for Jews, but for those who wonder if it is all just far history, something to be forgotten, then we can also relate to much more recent ‘’dark days’’ connected with Jerusalem.
In 1948, The Jordanian Arab Legion conquered the old city of Jerusalem, and in April 1950 the Hashimite King Abdallah the First, annexed Jerusalem and the so-called West Bank, something which was not recognized by the Arab League and the UN, only by Britain and Pakistan. Before 1950, as the occupiers were in control of the old city, they massacred Jews, deported the rest, which was ethnic cleansing. They raised to the ground all of the 58 Jewish synagogues there, sent their donkeys and horses to do their business on the stones of the Holy Western Wall, and in complete rebuttal of the agreements which ended the war, did not allow Jews to pray in their holy places in Jerusalem. These were really’’dark days’’, but they were accepted by the world, by the Churches, by states, by the UN, by everybody, because these were only the Jews who lost. Well, Jews did not accept it, as for us these were the ‘’dark days’’. As of 1967, everybody can pray in Jerusalem, even Jews.
‘’Dark days’’, Ms. Mogherini? Not at all, as these are great, bright days, in which justice is in place, justice to Jews, justice to truth and history, and justice long overdue.